Church of the Living God
Bible Study Lesson
Presenter: Overseer
Ennis F. Tait

Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Series: Giving God What You Have
Focus Verse: II Kings 4:5 (KJV)
Today’s Discussion: “Is
There Any Hope?”
Since you’ve been on your
Christian journey, have you ever experienced hopelessness or a lack of
confidence in God’s ability to deliver on HIS promise? During a time of oppression and extreme
cruelty for African Americans, Professor James Weldon Johnson in his soul
stirring composition entitled “Lift Every Voice and Sing” writes of a
determination, perseverance and HOPE cradled in the hearts of black people that
charted a path to freedom: “stony the road we trod, bitter the chastening rod,
felt in the days when hope unborn
had died; yet with a steady beat, have not our weary feet, come to a place for
which our fathers died”. What a powerful
testimony and accomplishment. Each stanza builds a crescendo of gratitude to
God for HIS divine provision.
The lesson aim is to evaluate, assess, and measure our faith
in God as “Jehovah Jireh”. More
importantly, as disciples we must be willing to admit that our confidence in
God can be and has been impacted by our loss of HOPE in the expected outcomes.
As I stated before “our faith [pis-tis] in God and
the power [ex-oo-see-ah] we’ve been given as HIS disciples have become
faint or are of no avail. (Matthew
13:57-58; Mark 9:23-23) As we
continue this journey our primary goal is to review our how we respond in times
of despair. We also must ask ourselves theses questions, do we think in the
spirit (Philippians 2:5) and believe
on HIM as the provider of “all our need”. (Philippians
What would move this unnamed woman to put the fate and
future of her sons in the hands of the Prophet Elisha? HOPE in God (Romans 8:24-25) She chooses of her own will and accord to obey the
instructions given to her by the prophet.
However, HOPE drives her actions to fill each of the empty vessel with
“the oil” that has now been placed in the hands of God. (Verses 5-6) The outcome of her efforts prompts her to
return to the man of God for further instructions. (Verse 7) The reconfirms that we are not subject to our
situation, confined to our circumstance or paralyzed by our problems.
Key terms in the text:
- Hope – [el-pece] – expectation; confidence
- Vessel – [kel-ee] – something prepared, i.e. any apparatus (as an implement, utensil, dress, vessel or weapon)
Final thought: God
wants to have constant habitation with us and not just unscheduled visitations.