Church of the Living God
Bible Study Lesson
Presenter: Overseer
Ennis F. Tait

Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Series: The Joy of the Lord
Background Scripture: I Peter 1:8
Focus Verse: Psalms 118:24 (KJV)
Today’s Discussion: “A
Moment in Time”
Since the beginning of
time, God has concealed all dates and times.
No one else, other than God, knows who, what, when, where and how for
any event that will take place in this world whether catastrophic, historic, or
just natural. (Deuteronomy 29:29; Ecclesiastes 3:1-8; Acts 1:6-7)
The lesson aim is to appreciate God for HIS grace and mercy. More importantly, as disciples we must learn
to give God thanks for everyday HE gives us.
We should use the “Lord’s Day” to reflect on God’s divine providence and
provision afforded to us from minute to minute, day to day, month to month, and
year to year.
David is compelled by the spirit to praise God for giving
him another day. He has toiled because
of his enemies. However, God had given
him a day of reprieve. David’s heart is
overjoyed for the opportunity to spend the day giving God thanks without
interruption or distraction. Now, David recognizes the rewards of having a day
of worship. From David’s example we must
learn to see God in every experience. We
must learn to respond with thanksgiving and praise for all that God has done
and is doing for us. We should not make
light of the daily blessings we receive from God. Everyday is a day of thanksgiving. Thus, David insists that we “rejoice and be
Key terms in the text:
- Rejoice – [gheel] – to spin around
- glad – [saw-makh] – to brighten up
Final thought: God
wants to have constant habitation with us and not just unscheduled visitations.
The saints of God are living in a day and time when praise has become faint. We have become consumed with problems and burdened with day to day life. However, the time has come for the true "worshippers" to stand up and worship God in spirit and in truth. In today's lesson, David recognizes God for HIS divine providence and protection. David challenges the people of faith to appreciate "the day" that God had allowed them to see and rejoice despite their suffering, persecution and trials. My question for all of you is have you reached a level in your relationship with God that you can praise HIM no matter what you're going through?